Review of Scarborough Mirror by Jim McEwen

June 14, 2021 Letter to Editor, Scarborough Mirror: As we approach Ontario Election Day of June 2, 2022 a good campaign question should be, “which political Party will finally provide OHIP funded physiotherapy for our stroke survivors between ages 20 and 64 and eliminate age discrimination in Ontario stroke treatment?”. Healthcare should be based upon need and not outdated and age restrictive Regulations at Queens Park. We need a public healthcare system based upon why young adults qualify for treatment as opposed to a system that looks for reasons to deny treatment on basis of age as is the current case for young adult stroke survivors. Now is the time to be asking such questions; the 2022 Ontario Election campaign has unofficially begun! Jim McEwen, B.Eng., Ontario’s Representative of Young Adult Stroke Survivors between ages 20 and 64 2325 Bowmanville Avenue, Bowmanville, Ont. L1C6W9 Tel: 905 419 8889(PM ONLY)

Jim McEwen

Scarborough Mirror in North York