Review of Doyle's Farm Market by P.

I dropped in to the market today to buy bottled water for my small dog, who was very thirsty from our recent walk. He waited in the car while I went inside the store. The door was open. Nobody was there. Bottled water was on sale in a drink cooler for $1.00. I took a bottle of water out and went outside to search for an employee so I could pay somebody for the water (after, of course, taking my small dog out of the car). I kept him very close to my body and on a leash. My money was in my hand. I found a female employee outside on the grounds. She told me I was not allowed on the grounds and that they were closed. I told her I didn't know they were closed, as there was product outside everywhere and the doors were open. I just wanted to buy some water for my extremely thirsty dog. I showed her the bottle of water in my one hand and my money with the other hand. She grabbed the bottle of water away from me and again said they were closed and she wouldn't sell the bottle of water to me. My little dog was just looking up at her so he could have a drink, as he could see she was holding the water right above his head. I then asked her if I could just get a small drink then from the tap, as he was really thirsty from our walk. She said "no" and told me to go to Kentville if I wanted water so much. I told her I would not be giving Doyle's Farm Market any more of my business (I had only been there once, 2 years ago to buy four large pet paw pavers). I've never been treated so disgracefully at a place of business in my entire life. I would never darken their doorstep again. I do not like doing business with miserable, unkind people.


Doyle's Farm Market in Kentville